Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ready or not here BYOD comes!

With more than 5.9 billion mobile subscribers and 1.2 billion Web users worldwide, it is safe to say that mobility is no longer the future of networking—it is the reality. To get their jobs done, employees are now using a mix of mobile devices --personal and company owned--for what is known as the hottest trend in the workplace called Bring-Your-Own-Device or BYOD.

The Challenge: Ready or not here it comes
As more and more devices join the network, the ability to control access to applications, protect corporate data, and financially support both new and legacy systems is presenting IT managers with significant challenges. Demands and expectations for performance, bandwidth, and reliable access to applications are just going to continue to rise. Not to mention the host of security, management and legal issues BYOD can present. 

If you think stopping BYOD at the front door is a possible way around this, think again. In a recent survey, “Trusted Mobility Index,” conducted by Juniper Networks of more than 4,000 mobile-device users and IT professionals’ reports “many employees circumvent their employers’ official mobile-device policies with nearly half of all respondents who use their personal devices for work (41%) doing so without permission from the company.” Whether you are ready for BYOD or not, it is inevitably here for good with predictions of almost 15 billion network-connected devices by 2015.

The Solution: Embrace mobility with Simply Connected by Juniper Networks
Businesses need a solution that enables them to deliver on the promise of mobility without sacrificing performance, scalability or security. 
  • Deliver coordinated security for enterprise network access
    • Remote data wiping
    • Access rights management
    • Full enforcement of security policies on any device, anywhere, anytime
  • Deliver a comprehensive enterprise offering
    • Resilient network throughout, with no single point of failure
    • Improved operational efficiency, with real-time automation to support critical business processes
    • A foundation for fast, secure, and reliable delivery of applications to all users and devices at any location
As you can see, mobility and BYOD is a very present reality and impossible to avoid but with Simply Connected you can embrace it and Convergent can help. To learn more about Simply Connected by Juniper Networks contact Convergent Technologies Group and we will get you started. 

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