Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Four Reasons the CTG and HP Partnership Matters

When a business comes to CTG and trusts us to provide an information technology platform to rely on every day, they are choosing our company for two critical components: our people and our partners.

We have built our company by finding young talent that believes in our customer-first approach and who are steady resources that grow with our client. But this is only part of the equation.

Equally important is that our team has developed critical partnerships to implement the best, most reliable and flexible technology in the industry today. That’s why we decided many years ago – after observing and testing products from the majority of the top IT manufacturers – to develop a strategic partnership with HP, whom is currently rebranding this part of it's business as Hewlett Packard Enterprises. Our strategic recommendations are built first on HP platforms and software, and we tap into other partnerships to meet specialty niches.

While you’re right to think that we’re a little biased about the high quality of HP at this point, we aren't the only ones. Just last week, the 2015 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Modular Servers – always a highly anticipated market analysis – endorsed the Palo Alto, Calif.-based manufacturer as a “Leader.” At CTG, we firmly believe in HP’s self-assessment that it “offers a strong product portfolio and delivers the right compute for the right workload at the right economics.”

By building a relationship with HP beginning nearly a decade ago, we, in turn, can offer key benefits to our customers:

1.      Simplicity. Whether you have an in-house IT team or rely on CTG for daily support, building a platform that connects different elements from storage and servers to desktops and networking from the same manufacturer streamlines your everyday management and workload. HP allows us to develop a strategic architecture and implement a single console for your IT needs, whether you are a mom-and-pop operation or a Fortune 500 company. Not many manufacturers can offer that full portfolio, and our CTG team provides a single point of contact.

2.      Expertise. As an HP Gold Partner, CTG has access to the best computing minds at Hewlett Packard. We receive unique training and education on the HP product suite. If you have a question, we can easily find the right answer. This single-vendor strategy allows us to deepen our knowledge as we consult with our clients to find the products that match their needs. That starts with HP hardware and extends to HP software as well. And when you have a specialty IT need that is outside the HP family, we can bring in the right resource and use our expertise to easily integrate it with your HP platform.

3.      Reliability and Innovation. Each is as important as the other. HP delivers products that are durable and carefully designed to meet evolving business needs. Of course, you want to know that you can trust your IT systems, but you also want to be ready to take the next step forward. We have seen firsthand that once HP releases a new product, it is already is back in the research and development lab, looking for enhancements to make that product even more efficient and effective – and to launch innovative new products. Our CTG team serves as a bridge to keep you running smoothly today and scaling up with new technology as your business grows.

4.      Value. Leveraging our knowledge of the HP product line, we can quickly assess your needs and recommend the best technology that delivers the best bang for your buck. In an ever more digitized economy, our clients are looking for the smartest solutions that allow them to best serve their customers. But IT budgets aren't limitless, and our HP relationship delivers a valuable win-win in the best firepower at the best price.

This is an exciting time to be working with the emergence of the Hewlett Packard Enterprise division. You will see the company putting a more complete focus on the data center. That means even greater R&D investments, better customer support, more product customization and a greater understanding of how technology intersects, drives and supports business strategies.

But don’t just take our word for it in this post. Give us a call – and we’ll show you the best that CTG and HP can offer.

John Monahan is a co-founder of Convergent Technologies Group.

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