Wednesday, November 2, 2016

3. Docker Delivers Innovation to Container Strategy

By Rod Knowles

So, what exactly is Docker? Docker is an engine that enables any application to be encapsulated as a lightweight, portable, self-contained entity or, as they’re more infamously known as, containers – an approach we discussed in the previous post. It also allows for the standardization of packaging applications and all of their dependencies for rapid development and deployment.

Employing Docker enables DevOps and IT organizations to provide continuous integration and deployment. This gives developers the power to not only build code but, to test their code in any environment type and as often as possible to catch bugs early in the development life cycle. With Docker, development teams can perform 13 times more software releases than what they now are achieving and cut the time needed to determine and resolve issues.

Earlier this year, I attended HPE’s Discover, an annual customer conference in Las Vegas, NV. Though most of my trip is eluding me at this time, I do remember two things: feeling like I was the star of a bad crossover movie between Groundhog Day and The Hangover and the announcement of the strategic alliance between HPE and Docker. 

Yes, it was like a marriage made in heaven, more memorable and electrifying than Cory and Topenga, Chandler and Monica, or Howard and Bernadette. I mean really, the number one leader in worldwide server shipments, HPE, teaming up with the leader in containerization, Docker. 

Through a joint worldwide enterprise agreement covering sales, engineering, go-to-market, support, services and knowledge sharing, HPE and Docker are collaborating to help customers transform and revolutionize their data centers to benefit from a more agile development environment. At the core is HPE’s Docker-ready server program, which ensures that HPE servers are bundled with Docker engine and support. This will enable customers to build distributed applications that are portable across any infrastructure. 

By combining the strength of the leading cloud infrastructure provider and the leader in containerization, HPE and Docker will deliver infrastructure solutions and an application portfolio, fully supported by HPE. By 2018, more than 50 percent of new workloads will be deployed into containers in at least one stage of the application life cycle. The joint HPE and Docker alliance will deliver unique and value-added solutions and services including but not limited to: Docker-ready HPE servers, Docker-ready Converged and Composable HPE systems, enterprise-grade consulting services and 24x7 Docker support. 

With up to 90 percent of IT budgets being consumed by app testing, configuration and distribution, businesses need a better way to support hundreds of daily builds using a continuous deployment/integrated DevOps model. The partnership between HPE and Docker provides just that.

I know by now, most of you must be wondering how do I get started with this container thingy so I can stay ahead of my competitors and bring ideas to fruition at the speed of light. The answer is ingenuous. Get in touch with an HPE Platinum Partner. 

Not just any partner, but one who values your business, employees, customers and your success just as much as you do. Convergent Technologies Group is one of a few exclusive HPE Platinum Partners that can help you and your IT organization transform to a hybrid infrastructure. 

Together with HPE, CTG has the resources and expertise to get you started today on changing the way you turn ideas into world-class applications and services for your customers. Whether you’re looking for an enterprise-class infrastructure, ready-to-run containerized applications or assistance in designing and implementing your DevOps strategy, we’re your one-stop call.

Rod Knowles is a solution architect with Convergent Technologies Group.

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