Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Notes from the (Work From) Home Front: Episode 2

Episode 2: Day 7: March 23, 2020

As we begin the second work-from-home week, I’m happy to report everyone seems to be handling this pretty well. We’re able to serve the majority of our customer's needs in this remote capacity and for everything else, we’re diligent about reducing exposure as much as possible.

I did notice something this past weekend though. I have no idea if anyone else experienced this or not, so I’m speaking purely of my own story.

I had a hard time keeping myself busy. I had this nagging feeling that I should have been in my home office and working on things. I chalked it up to Saturday feeling just like Friday which felt like Thursday (and so on). Wash, rinse, and repeat for Sunday. I knocked out my normal weekend chores, but I couldn’t shake this nagging feeling that I was supposed to be working.

Blurring the line between home and office definitely has the potential to (& did) cause me to continue to have my "work brain” engaged whenever I wasn’t actively doing something else, which can’t be all that healthy and could quickly lead to burnout. Without my commute as the transition signal that I was no longer at work, I was on duty all the time. I realized this is how I’ve felt at the end of each day since we started the work from home thing.

This is no Bueno.

It wasn’t until Sunday that I started to really understand what was going on. I thought I’d immediately write down these things that my brain wants me to do, then perhaps it would relax for a bit. To a degree, it helped. It took a little while to capture all the tasks, calls, ideas, etc., and by late afternoon, I was more mentally home again. I still need to figure out how to reliably transition out of work mode. The odd thing is that I have purposely kept my morning routine the same to help me transition into the working frame of mind. It just never occurred to me I’d need to equally find a way to transition back to a home life mindset.

Jeff Garell
On a final note, last night was the best sleep I’ve had since we started this work-from-home effort. I’m hoping that’s the new trend and I can give credit to this revelation.

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