Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How to use Video for your Business

Web video is a very simple and effective way to convey information about a business, yet many businesses still aren't utilizing it. If you’ve been wondering how you can use videos for your business, take a look at these great examples.

Sharing your business’ success stories is a great way to grow your business through word of mouth. In order to do this, many companies ask for testimonials – which satisfied customers are often happy to give. Requesting a video testimonial can make that success story more effective than ever.
Chances are, your clients know how to create a video and have a webcam built-in to their computers. If you are able to get a video testimonial, instead of a written one, it really brings the story alive to prospective clients.
Replace written content
Most business websites are text-heavy and don’t offer much excitement. Throwing a video or two into the mix can make your site easier for your clients and prospects to find their way through.
Try replacing some standard, informational text with a video that describes your company in order to liven up your site a little and intrigue your site’s visitors.
How to” and demo videos are great ways to educate your clients and prospective clients about your business. Although you may not actually sell products that you can demo, there are still plenty of ways to educate clients about something relating to your business.
Restaurants, for example, can create a video on how to properly prepare an artichoke, or something along those lines, that anybody could find useful. Videos of this sort are great because they make you look like an expert in your field.
Web video is a growing medium and a great way to share your stories and ideas with your audience. For even more ideas on using web video, check out this article.

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