Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The HP Pro Slate 12 – The Perfect Tool for the Modern Law Office

By: Daniel Bendele

Before transitioning to the technology field, I spent time in a traditional general practice law firm,and in a non-traditional lobbying setting. Looking back on my time in both settings, I wish I would have had access to a tool like the Pro Slate 12.

Taking and transcribing notes for clients and potential clients is one of the most time consuming tasks for any attorney, paralegal, or legal assistant. In a business where time is often the determining factor in how much money the firm is bringing in, any tool that can help increase the amount of clients you are able to work with and decrease the time needed for each client is beyond essential. The Pro Slate 12 and its accompanying HP Duet Pen is an absolute game changer.

The Pro Slate 12 is an Android based tablet that allows you to take handwritten notes on the tablet or on a separate sheet of paper and have those notes transfer as text instantaneously to the tablet. Once the notes are on the tablet, they can be stored securely in the Google cloud and then transferred to whatever medium you'd like (Microsoft word, PDF, it even integrates with Tabs3 and Practice Master).

Not only does the tablet change the way attorneys and their staff can take and store client information, but it is also possible to access important research tools like Westlaw and Lexis via their Android apps. This is another game changer for the mobile attorney as it allows you to research relevant case law on the go. Along with making your research capabilities mobile, the Westlaw and Lexis apps on the Pro Slate 12 could save your firm thousands of dollars on printing costs, by allowing attorneys and their staff to easily identify relevant case law without printing unnecessary cases.

My previous legal experience allows me to see just how great of a tool this tablet could be for lawyers and their staff, but I’m certain the Pro Slate 12 could save time and money for business people in a myriad of industries. Whether you are an accountant interviewing clients, or a doctor/nurse speaking with patients, the ability to easily and securely take paperless notes is a major technological evolution. 

Here at Convergent Technologies Group we work tirelessly to not just find you the best hardware, but to find you solutions that put your business ahead of the curve. If you would like to see the Pro Slate 12 in action, contact our office and we will be happy to come and show you how this fantastic tool can help keep your company at the front of the pack.

Daniel Bendele is a SMB Account Manager for Convergent Technologies Group.

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