Friday, December 18, 2015

Celebrating CTG’s Milestones of 2015

By John Monahan

As we enter the final weeks of each calendar year, I always remind myself to take a moment and reflect on our successes. Our team at Convergent Technologies Group dedicated much hard work to delivering great solutions for our clients over the past 12 months, and it paid off in so many ways for our company.

Let me share some significant highlights of 2015:

  • We celebrated our 10thanniversary in November. We were brave souls when we opened up shop in Jeff’s basement down in the Fan a decade ago, but we had a great combination of IT expertise, market experience and passion to create our business. Yes, we put much effort in continuing to build our talent and refining our business model, and we know that some of that credit goes to our valued clients, who recognize that CTG is the right IT partner for them.
  • We earned recognition as a Hewlett Packard Enterprise Premium Partner. This was the culmination of years of training and education, as our people mastered every component of HPE’s converged infrastructure portfolio. This elite designation demonstrates that we have a rare level of expertise, along with unprecedented access to the great minds at HPE. Even more important is that our people continue to delve into opportunities to earn more industry-leading certifications, because we are never satisfied with the status quo.
  • We welcomed new customers. Each and every customer comes to us with a unique challenge or opportunity, and we develop the IT strategy that hits the mark today and will scale as that business grows. Each year, our proven experience and expertise has allowed us to attract market-leading companies with increasingly more complex IT questions. As we’ve faced tougher challenges, our team has crafted strong, inventive and meaningful solutions that are powering growth.
  • We added new products and services to our portfolio. I doubt that any industry faces as much innovation as Information Technology, where something that might be only a dream at the first of the year can be a proven product by the end of the year. Our customers know that we remain committed to staying ahead and bringing new opportunities that will become competitive advantages for them. And we expanded our Solutions Lab, where clients can visit our office to see nearly every product in a configurable environment – so you can test out new technologies and make smart investments that work for you.

What makes me most proud is that we accomplished all that by working together as a team, and we have a solid foundation for continuing to make CTG a sought-after IT partner in the year ahead. We are doing a better job of telling the CTG story, with a greater social media presence, expanded blog posts and a revamped Web site that will launch in early 2016. All that effort is generating results that speak for themselves, as our company has once again delivered on our ambitious year-over-year goals.

As you reflect on your successes in 2015, all of us at Convergent Technologies Group wish you the warmest holiday greetings and a prosperous new year.

John Monahan is a co-founder of Convergent Technologies Group.

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