Friday, December 11, 2015

Enhanced Web Site Will Better Tell the CTG Story

Nothing makes our team at CTG happier than sitting down with a customer or potential prospect and explaining how we can help deliver the technology that will power their business.

But sometimes we don’t have that in-person opportunity.

That makes how we showcase our expertise and experience on our Web site an integral ingredient in telling our story. Much as CTG has grown up over the past 10 years, so has our Web site. Unfortunately, it’s been a bit of a patchwork process, as we added new services to the site at the same time as we added them to our portfolio of offerings.

Now that we’ve celebrated our this milestone anniversary, we’re getting ready to unveil our present to ourselves: A freshly overhauled Web site that better shares how CTG can be the competitive edge for your business.

Our team has been working throughout this quarter on understanding what has worked on the Web site and on identifying gaps. Armed with that insight:

  • We are shifting our focus to showcase how our services work for you. We believe that this helps you better understand how new technologies deliver meaningful benefits.
  • We are continuing to share our expertise. The site will introduce white papers, product videos and webinars – all available to you at a click or two. We’re also integrating our blog and social media channels, so you can keep up with the latest in our industry and at CTG.
  • We are better telling our story. You’ll learn more about the CTG vision, which aligns largely with that of our primary partner, Hewlett Packard Enterprise. No matter the size of your business, we are committed to deploying the right IT for you.

Right now, we’re in the design stage, with the goal of launching the new site early in the new year.

The enhanced Web site is part of a renewed focus on our marketing efforts. In the year ahead, you can expect to be invited to participate in learning events both at CTG and at our partner venues. We are continuing to expand our social media presence. And we are always looking to offer fun opportunities for our clients to network, as we know that great ideas sometimes happen outside the office.

Alexandra Suder is CTG’s director of marketing.

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